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To Assess


Peer Assessments have been proved to be as effective, if not more effective than teacher assessments (Falchikov & Goldfinch, 2000). It is also a great way to make the students think about their own performance critically and get them involved. Research indicates that students should be given a more active and participative role in assessment processes (Boud, 2000; Yorke, 2003) and also that assessment should develop in students the skills needed to self-regulate their own learning (Nicol & Macfarlane-Dick, 2006; Nicol & Milligan, 2006).


What could make way for greater enjoyment and learning than developing an App for peer assessment ? While developing the App, the students have to be not just creative and original, but also thorough with the subject matter. It is a great way to ensure both - learning and fun for all the parties involved. The advantage with App tests versus pen and paper tests are that they can be interactive, reusable, can provide opportunities of redoing and offer flexibility. Or teachers can even make their own Apps, for either assessment or learning.



Following is a list of Android Apps and websites that can be used to easily make other Apps. Again, a constructionist approach for assessment.

App Inventor





How about creating quizzes, surveys or objective test Apps to be shared with amongst the students ?


Or an App for Geography where students are supposed to find and tag places on an interactive map ?










Perhaps an App for History where students arrange timelines of historic events ?


An App for Science where students identify and tag the elements from the photographs or Order them according to the Periodic Table ?

Apps Builder





Or it could also be a language test where students are shown various images and scenarios and are told to reflect and write on them.


Or it could also be a Math game test where students are required to score maximum points by solving mathematical equations and problems.


We Want to Hear From You!

Have you used any of these apps in your classroom? How has it changed the way students are assessed? Have scores improved? Are there any apps that we should add to our list?

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